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julie and michelle eating ice cream

Michelle & Julie

Michelle and Julie met in August 2018 and have been together ever since.

michelle tossing her hair

Michelle was born in Puerto Rico, graduated from high school in London, moved to New York City for college and never left. In fact, she has been in the same apartment in Brooklyn for the past 14 years. She loves animals of all kinds, coffee at all temperatures, and has an extensive and thoroughly catalogued record collection. Michelle loves Julie for her wit, her charm, and her grace under pressure, but mostly for her upper-body strength. Michelle really only likes vanilla ice cream.

julie with a bow on her head

Julie grew up on Sharpe Reservation in Fishkill, NY, went to college in Vermont, and has been living and working in New York City since 2014. She loves sports, crossword puzzles, and stovetop espresso, and has eaten a bowl of oatmeal nearly every day of her life. She loves Michelle for her boldness and exuberance, her incredible thoughtfulness, and her fierce determination when she sets her mind to something. But mostly she just loves the way Michelle makes her feel, which is loved, supported, and cared for. Julie likes mint chocolate chip ice cream and also raspberry with chocolate sprinkles.

julie and michelle at in san sebastian

Together, Michelle and Julie enjoy travelling. Here they are on La Concha Bay in San Sebastián, their first trip together.

julie and michelle in cartagena julie and michelle in cartagena

And here they are in a portal on a more recent trip to Cartagena.

julie and michelle with a lake and mountains behind

They also love to hike, camp, and explore together and try to get out of the city and into the woods as much as they can.

julie and michelle hiking

Most of all they just love being together.

They hope you can join them and support them as they embark on the ultimate adventure - marriage!